
Citizens’ Assembly (Yd) and the Helsinki Citizens' Assembly (hCa) Vanadzor / Armenia office are organizing summer schools for the young attendants from Turkey and Armenia to support the effort of trust-building and process of reconciliation between Armenian and Turkish societies. 2017 summer school will take place between 10th and 16th of July in Istanbul. Academicians, educators, writers, journalists, researchers and filmmakers from Turkey and Armenia will make thematic presentations every day in the framework of summer school program that has been prepared regarding teachers, who are one of the most influential actors in social transformation processes, can contribute the building and strengthening of communication channels between two countries. The program will also include workshops, roundtable discussions, movie sessions and group workshops on the purpose of strengthening the tools of participants for conflict resolution.

Some titles of seminars and workshops from the program include:

  • Teacher’s ability of creating change as a guide
  • Re-meeting in the school environment and transforming the conflict to awareness
  • Representation of Turks and Armenians in Ottoman Armenian Literature
  • Turks in Armenian Literature
  • Ethnic and religious discrimination
  • Traces of Armenian Culture in Anatolia
  • Past, confrontation, reconciliation and future
  • Reading the media and effective usage of media
  • The practices of Democratic-Participatory Classroom Management
  • Peace, When?: What have we done under the Armenia-Turkey Normalization Process Program?

Sixteen and eighteen young educators from Turkey and Armenia respectively have been invited to the summer school. The announcement of summer school was made with an open call. The half of participants will be classroom teachers and other teachers from various branches. The other half will be teacher candidates who study in faculty of education.

Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalisation Process is a programme implemented by a Consortium of eight civil society organisations from both countries with the financial assistance of the European Union under the Instrument for Stability

The overall objective of the programme is to promote civil society efforts towards the normalisation of relations between Turkey and Armenia and towards an open border by enhancing people-to-people contacts, expanding economic and business links, promoting cultural and educational activities and facilitating access to balanced information in both societies. 

The Consortium partners include Civilitas Foundation (CF), Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF), Public Journalism Club (PJC), Regional Studies Center (RSC) from Armenia; and Anadolu Kültür, the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly (hCa), and Hrant Dink Foundation from Turkey.  The programme will include a series of activities such as media support, TV talk shows and citizen reporting to contribute to better mutual understanding.

The programme will also include travelling discussions; workshops and trainings for youth and teachers; exchange of artists, architects, and entrepreneurs; fellowship opportunities and travel support to enhance encounters and cooperation across the border. Research on business and economic opportunities; celebrity discussions about the past; and opinion exchanges of high-level former officials will also be a part of the programme. 

One of the main pillars of the Programme is inclusiveness – to engage and support new actors in the dialogue process. To this end, the Consortium created a Grant Scheme to invite individuals and civil society organisations from Armenia and Turkey - other than the Consortium members - to propose and implement their own project ideas, which will contribute to the overall objective of the Programme and multiply the shared outcomes. 

The results of all activities will be shared with the public through the trilingual website, which will serve as a networking tool featuring the overall picture of the past, current, and future developments in Armenia-Turkey dialogue initiatives. 

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