Diaries 2005

When I heard about this summer school for the first time, I hadn’t any idea about it, it’s ?, who gonna take part etc. Of course they’ve told me that this school had been organised by hCa, and it’s aim is to introduce armenians to turks and turks to armenians and make relations between each other and break the stereotypes. At first I was very surprised why ? why in Turkey. It was very interesting when I’ve heard this (I imagined that we we will go to a camp, which will gonna be closed, I mean there will be only us (turks and armenians) and the organisers. I couldn’t imagine how we gonna make any relations, about what we gonna talk, have we ? communicate. For me it was very ? I wanted to take part and see how it will gonna.

Yesterday was the first day of our summer school and for the first time I realized what we gonna do in real. Everything was great, I really liket the courses, the plans, except the game that we have played. I didn’t like the game because first of all I was playing such kind of game for the first time and it was very strange for me, and besides I didn’t like the plot of the story.

In the evening we went to a disco for having a good time. Everything was great, we were dancing, talking, ? etc. After the disco we went to my room and began to sing different songs (armenian, turkish) to play songs on guitar etc. We had this party till late night.

Yesterday was my worsest day in Turkey, because I was not able to come to excursion, because of my terrible headache. All the time, I was in my room, lying in the bed and watching TV. But at least, I’ve learned several Turkish word like “Tamam” means “OK” and in armenian it means ? like whole world. And in the evening when the group had returned and my friends began to tell me their adventures and what had happened. It was so pitty that I wasn’t there with them!

Yesterday was pretty interesting day. First of all it was the work group time. We began to ? our national dances, it was great, then it was the lecture time where we were discussing the nationalism, talking about armenians in foreign countries, armenian diaspora. Then it was language course time, where Mr. Sevan Nişanyan told our history. But a little ?: He was telling our history like as he would tell the Grim brothers tales. At the evening we wanted to go to some walk, ? of the last ? ? ?, some of us left to play “?”, the others, went to have a walk!

Friday was as usual day, I mean nothing special had happened. The whole day we were sitting in the courses. Of course the lectures were interesting. In the evening some of us went to Vakifliköy to the opening of the festival. That’s is this what had happened on Friday.

Yesterday was a great day. In the morning we went to Musa Ler – Vakıflıköy. It was very beautiful place. And in Vakıflıköy there was a festival which was lasting already 3 days. Yesterday was the final of the festival and they prepared harisa, then the priest of the village call them ? or ?, blessed that harisa. After the festival we went to the sea, and there fun had began, we were swimming, having fun etc… In the evening tired but happy we returned at the hotel. Mostly we were happy, due to Bella’s sing especially when we get the meaning of this song.

Yesterday was three very interesting courses. First one was Sinan Gökçen’s course about the journalism, especially I liked the part about the war and peace journalism. Then was the Bella’s turn. She told us our history starting from 1918 till our days. And finally Arman’s part where he told us about the who and how does the turkish-armenian relationship and of what point are we have. That’s it. Nothing else happened yesterday.

Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalisation Process is a programme implemented by a Consortium of eight civil society organisations from both countries with the financial assistance of the European Union under the Instrument for Stability

The overall objective of the programme is to promote civil society efforts towards the normalisation of relations between Turkey and Armenia and towards an open border by enhancing people-to-people contacts, expanding economic and business links, promoting cultural and educational activities and facilitating access to balanced information in both societies. 

The Consortium partners include Civilitas Foundation (CF), Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF), Public Journalism Club (PJC), Regional Studies Center (RSC) from Armenia; and Anadolu Kültür, the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly (hCa), and Hrant Dink Foundation from Turkey.  The programme will include a series of activities such as media support, TV talk shows and citizen reporting to contribute to better mutual understanding.

The programme will also include travelling discussions; workshops and trainings for youth and teachers; exchange of artists, architects, and entrepreneurs; fellowship opportunities and travel support to enhance encounters and cooperation across the border. Research on business and economic opportunities; celebrity discussions about the past; and opinion exchanges of high-level former officials will also be a part of the programme. 

One of the main pillars of the Programme is inclusiveness – to engage and support new actors in the dialogue process. To this end, the Consortium created a Grant Scheme to invite individuals and civil society organisations from Armenia and Turkey - other than the Consortium members - to propose and implement their own project ideas, which will contribute to the overall objective of the Programme and multiply the shared outcomes. 

The results of all activities will be shared with the public through the trilingual website, which will serve as a networking tool featuring the overall picture of the past, current, and future developments in Armenia-Turkey dialogue initiatives. 

For further information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.